Informacje o ofercie
sales of parts and service solutions
InternetJobs Wanadzor, Armenia 32 Dni temu

Typ oferty: Pełny etat
Czas trwania umowy:
Zakres wynagrodzeń: $ po uzgodnieniu - miesięcznie
Wakat w polu: Handel detaliczny
dla specjalistów: Konsultanci sprzedawcy
Opublikowano: 2024-04-30
Kod pocztowy:
Minimalne wykształcenie: Liceum
Minimalne doświadczenie zawodowe: 1 rok
Płeć: Nie ma znaczenia
Wiek: Od - Do
Wiza robocza: Paszport biometryczny
Status oferty
Rozpoczęcie publikacji: 2024-04-30
Zakończenie publikacji: 2024-10-30
Wolne wakaty: 1
Liczba wyświetleń: 886
Następne kroki: Send me Resume

Kontakty pracodawców są dostępne tylko dla uprawnionych użytkowników: Logowanie & Rejestracja

Informacje o pracodawcy InternetJobs Wanadzor, Armenia
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Kraj: Armenia

Establish, qualify and maintain contact with assigned customers to increase sales of parts and service solutions;
Provide customers with solutions to meet customer requirements after thoroughly analyzing needs;
Contact the typical customer with the assigned yearly plan;
Continually update the customer's equipment population, contacts, mobile and office phone information, address and other customer relationship management information;
Promote all aspects of the dealership by selling parts, service, labor, Customer Support Agreements (CSAs), and generate engine and machine sales leads;
Build strong relationships with customers and be their primary point-of-contact at the dealership;
Advise customers on Equipment Management Solutions by understanding how customers use their equipment within their business, organize their equipment life cycles, and determine their maintenance intervals;
Build customer loyalty by following up on service or parts orders, assuring requests are addressed in a timely manner, and by networking within customer accounts.

Higher education, preferably a technical degree, or desire to learn the technical product;
Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, engineering drawings, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals;
ability to write routine reports and effective correspondence;
ability to speak effectively before groups of customers or employees of the Organization;
Math skills: ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, proportions, percentages, area and volume;
Technical skills: ability to understand the basic dynamics of equipment operation and design, and Parts Product applications;
Language skills: Armenia and Russian, knowledge of English language is a plus
Computer skills: demonstrable proficiency in software applications of Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, dealer CRM, dealer 1C.

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