Информация за работа
Grants Finance Officer
InternetJobs Катманду, Непал 141 дни преди

Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
Продължителност на работата:
Диапазон заплата: $ по споразумение - на месец
за специалисти: Корпоративни финанси
Публикувано: 2024-01-13
Пощенски код:
Minimum Education: Висше
Minimum Experience: 1 година
Пол: Няма значение
Възраст: от - до
Работна виза:
Започнете публикуването: 2024-01-13
Край на публикуването: 2024-07-13
Свободни места: 1
Брой показвания: 413
По-нататъшни действия: Изпратете ми Вашето CV

Контакти на работодател са достъпни само за оторизирани потребители: Вход & Регистрация

Информация за работодателя InternetJobs Катманду, Непал
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Страна: Непал

Deloitte Consulting is the implementing partner for the USAID Trade and Competitiveness Activity, a five-year project to increase Nepali private sector participation in targeted global value chains by making them competitive, resilient, and sustainable. The Activity will chart a new growth path for private companies by supporting them to capitalize on global opportunities – targeting quality and high-value exports (of products and services). It aims to foster sustainable growth, in selected value chains, by incentivizing actors (both private and public) through investments, innovations, employment, and business enabling the environment to expand its integration into the global market. The Activity will work to achieve the goal by working on the following objectives:

To increase access to market-based financial and non-financial services.
To increase productivity in sectors with high growth and employment potential.
To improve the investment climate and business enabling environment (BEE), especially for targeted sectors; and
To support private sector-led economic recovery.
Deloitte is seeking qualified candidates to fill the role of Grants Finance Officer to be based in Kathmandu, Nepal. This is a five-year program; however, the position is currently for one year with opportunity of renewal.

Position Description

The Grants Finance Officer will be responsible for providing support to the financial management areas including project financial report. The key tasks for this position include but are not limited to the following: review financial reports, update grant tracking system, conduct financial orientations for grantees, support grants related procurement, and process timely payments. S/he will be working under the guidance of the Grants Manager and in close coordination with the Finance and HR Manager.

This is a full-time position (40 hours per week).

Position Responsibilities

Review financial reports, supporting documents, and ensure that the submitted documents are in line with the grant reporting procedures.
Support Grants Manager with grant award process, financial management, and close out of grants.
Assess budget revision request from grantee and prepare necessary documents for award modification.
Ensure all information related to grants and finance is readily available for internal and external audits and any other purposes.
Support finance team to track funds disbursement, bank deposits and acknowledgement of receipts from the grantees.
Visit grantee organizations to assess institutional capacity to manage grants, review financial management system and assist with financial management related orientations, as required.
Responsible for verifying financial backups as well as other documents from vendors and subcontractors prior to payment and financial reporting.
Responsible for tracking recurring vendor and subcontractor payments with all supporting documents, including bank and tax information.
Support Finance team in the entire life cycle of VAT management and reimbursement for the project.
Support Finance team in Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) implementation and filing requirements, including timely filing with local government.
Carry out any other assignments as assigned.
Qualifications and Requirements:

Bachelor’s degree in accounting/finance.
A minimum of 2 years of work experience in financial management.
Excellent knowledge of data analysis and forecasting methods.
Proficient in the use of MS Office, especially in Excel and financial management software.
Knowledge of VAT / TAX rules of GoN.
Person with high integrity, and commitment to organizational values and principles.
High level of English and of Nepali is required.
Application Instructions

Please ensure resume/application DOES NOT INCLUDE personal information such as gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, religion. DCOP LLC is an equal opportunity employer. This position is open to Nepali nationals only.

All interested candidates are requested to apply for the position through email with mentioning the job title “The Grants Finance Officer” on the subject along with updated resume and Cover Letter to E-mail by COB January 26, 2024.

    Последните кандидатури

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  • M. - Poland
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  • Автомаляр - Европа
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    Образуване: Колеж
    Националност: Узбекистан
  • Реклама, маркетинг - Черногория
    Специалност: Специалист в сфере рекламы и связей с общественностью
    Образуване: Висше
    Националност: Русия
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